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Abilify is the Highest Grossing Medication

IMS Health, the company that provides services for the healthcare industry, just released the top 100 list of medications prescribed in the United States. Abilify (generic name Aripriprazole) is reported as the highest grossing medication prescribed between October 1 2012, and September 30, 2013. Abilify is FDA approved for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and as an adjunct therapy for depression. “Adjunct therapy” means that Abilify is used in conjunction with an anti-depressant to help in improving symptoms of depression.

Third place on this list published by IMS Health, is Cymbalta. Cymbalta is used in treatment of depression and anxiety. The generic form of Cymbalta, Duloxetine, is being released in the United States within the next few months.

The above is further evidence that mental health treatment is a high priority in the field of medicine. There is still stigma associated with the mental health disorders. It is heartening to see that the stigma is not preventing physicians from providing mental health care to their patients.

Read more about Abilify at FDA’s official website.

Read more about Cymbalta at FDA’s official website.

Sayeh Beheshti, M.D.